Monday, July 4, 2011

Crop Circles = UFO?

Another 'Crop Circle' was being discovered, and this time, its in Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. How cool is that! So, I'll write bout this phenomenon now. Enjoy.

A local farmer, Tukiman, discovered this crop circles, last Sunday (23/01/2010) at 6 a.m. Well, yeah, no one knows where this crop circles really come from. Some of them believe that this crop circles were made as an UFO landed on this particular area. Some of them believe that some artists made it up. Well, some news just interviewed Yogyakarta's artists, and some of them really believe that this crop circles look like a type of art, land art, they said, in which they use natural materials from the environment. But as to speak, they themselves can't make such a great art, in 2 hours (as estimated, from 21.00 - 23.00, as the owner of the farm heard some kind of weird plane sound during those hours). Wonder how big it is? Its 70m in diameter.

So, what is crop circle, really?

The most famous explanation for crop circle is the presence of UFO (Unidentified Flying Object). Many people really believe that UFO landed on their farm (or simply carving these marks, not really clear in some ways), leaving this crop circles behind. Cause, how can such a huge art made only for several hours, even for some several seconds!

Some people believe that its the work of art. Artists try to make the land as their canvas. The most widely known method for a person or group to construct a crop formation is to tie one end of a rope to an anchor point, and the other end to a board which is used to crush the plants. More recent methods include the use of a lawn roller. Some of business also see it as a method of advertising.

Well, some of the pranksters also love to make crop circles, just to make the world amazed and stunned by their pranks, or so. But also, there's a myth about a farmer who was greedy enough that he didn't want to pay mower, and swore that he preferred a demon to do the work. And the next morning, he saw his farm had been harvested, but in some weird manners. Take a look at this picture, the 'Mowing Devil'.

Well yeah, extreme weather may be one of the cause too, such as spinning winds, small whirlwinds or tornadoes caused the crop circles by its sudden swirling pressure.

Crop circles had been phenomenal since a long time back, even before the invention of camera. In modern times, crop circles were often seen during the 20th century, around 1960s - 1990s. This phenomena occurs all over the world, in the USA from 1920, in Europe from the mid 20th century and in Africa, Canada, Australia, Central & Southern America, Russia in 1970, and Japan in the late 70’s, though 90% of those were located in southern England.


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